a : a violent physical or verbal attack2
b : a military attack usually involving direct combat with enemy forces
c : a concerted effort (as to reach a goal or defeat an adversary)
a : a threat or attempt to inflict offensive physical contact or bodily harm on a person (as by lifting a fist in a threatening manner) that puts the person in immediate danger of or in apprehension of such harm or contactSo the gun fetishists who continue to promote an alternative lifestyle of gun love in an artificial atmosphere of fear adore weapons made and named for violent attacks, military attacks, threats to others that put them in immediate danger, etc.
b : rape
As for fetishes, to each his or her own - as long as it's consenting but I don't consent to be placed at risk by some man-child who still wants to play army or cowboys and indians with live ammo.
I'm fine with hunting rifles, shotguns, etc. These have some utility beyond testosterone boosters.