
Mr Obama, Your Grandmother Was Proud of You

It is no solace to you today but she got to see the man you became. And she got to see you change the country for the better. She got to see the crowds of people who responded to you. Not that you will ever see this but many of us send you our heartfelt condolences on this day when you may well be on the eve of gaining a great prize but have also lost someone very special.


Asylum Seeker said...

It's a pity. Right before election day. The defining moment of her grandson's life. I guess Obama can consider himself fortunate to have at least got a chance to see her before she passed. I'm sure she's been in awe of him for the longest time. Oh, well...she's probably in a better place (I've idealized nonexistence, in case you thought I had a different screw loose).

Pliny-the-in-Between said...

I hear ya - it was hard to craft that message without resorting to spiritual references

Asylum Seeker said...

Yeah, but I personally blame our culture, in which the primary means of offering condolences is through stock phrases that are vaguely spiritual in origin. You're exposed to them so often that they become almost reflexive, and you can't think of anything to say but those nice little quasi-religious cliches. It becomes even harder when you are morbid and pessimistic at heart, like myself. But, we get by.

Pliny-the-in-Between said...

No doubt about that one. I particularly have to watch myself because I have a pretty twisted sense of humor rarely appreciated by the masses.

That's one regret he won't have to deal with - he showed her that she was important enough to drop campaigning for President to see her one last time. Not the worst epitaph.