
Filtering New Ideas


Michael Lockridge said...

It seems to me, subjectively, that imagination must have a place in this process. I have noticed that limited imagination is a characteristic of extreme followers and people of very narrow minds.

Pliny-the-in-Between said...

I'm glad someone brought this up. I see imagination as a key component of several of these steps, particularly assessing plausibility (is it even possible) and coherence (how does it fit with or extend existing knowledge).

The problem with imagination is that people often let it get away from them.

Anonymous said...

Apologies Pliny, I can't suss out what you mean by 'art' in this context.

Pliny-the-in-Between said...

Ah, I'm about to post a discussion of this, but by prior art, I mean previous iterations of the same or similar ideas (it's a patent term).